Bingo Runner’s World 2021 Card

There’s no way to coat it in sugar. From quarantine and vaccines to race cancellations and postponements, 2021 has been a tough year. But through all the difficulties, we still managed to put in the miles.

Instead of focusing on the negatives, let’s look back at the good things that happened this year. Maybe you joined a new running group. Have you found a new pair of running shoes that you love? Or maybe you were lucky enough to participate in a World Marathon Major this fall. Regardless of the size of the accomplishment, it is worth celebrating.

That’s why we made the 2021 The runner’s world Bingo card—to reflect on where your run has taken you and share it with your friends. Congratulations if you achieved all of your goals, but don’t worry if you failed. A new year is fast approaching and full of miles, trails, races, friends and memories.

So check off everything you’ve done this year. Even if you don’t touch Bingo, be sure to share your card on Instagram and tag us @runnersworldmag. We can’t wait to see how your year went.

Good year!

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